Tag Archives: Programmatic

Programmatic advertising is real-time bidding on ad exchanges like the Google Display Network which uses advanced algorithms. Find how to use programmatic to reach specific audience segments, remarket and save money by bidding at the time you are most likely to get a conversion.

Research shows that programmatic is going to outdo TV advertising by revenue in 2018. Some of the benefits of using this type of advertising online are paying per click instead of thousand impressions, niche targeting by customer intent and interests, automatic bidding.

Google AdWords launched Smart Display Campaigns for programmatic advertising which take over the entire process. They generate creatives automatically, target relevant audience based on the product offered and bid automatically.

YouTube advertising can be used for remarketing of web visitors or email lists of existing clients. Also different audiences like affinity categories and in-market segments target based on interest and likelihood to buy rather than demographic data.

You will find a lot of fresh articles every week, based on the latest information releases from Google.

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Google’s Smart Display Campaigns – Machine Learning Power at its best


Smart display campaigns are the latest brainchild of Google when it comes to programmatic advertising. They were launched over a year ago now, but still many marketers are reluctant on using them. However, Google has been consistently working on improving their algorithms to provide better solution for marketers.   Smart display campaigns are basically a […]

Google AdWords Display Keyword Evolution


Hey AdWords fans, how are you doing? Using Display keywords has become one of the most often applied practices amongst advertisers. It works better than pure demographic targeting and allows you to show up to visitors who are interested in the topics of your keywords while they browse different websites. And as usually, the moment […]

How your remarketing campaigns could be affected by Google’s new setting?


Google recently announced that is will implement some changes in the account dashboards of users, so that they have more power on the so called “reminder ads”, i.e. remarketing. The announcement was met with a lot of scared reactions by advertisers and media. Let’s have a sober look on what has changed.   In 2012 […]

What is programmatic advertising and why is it bigger than television?


If you have anything to do with marketing and advertising you must have heard the term programmatic. Usually mentioned by someone who is not entirely sure what it means. Some say programmatic is like sex – a lot of people are talking about it, but few are doing it and even fewer actually good at […]